26/09/2011 - AGM
The Sheffield Environment Weeks AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th October at Sheffield Town Hall.
Arrive 6:30 for a 6:45 start, 7:30 finish. Please use the back door off Surrey Street.
We will be appointing a whole new working comittee:
Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Web support member, Publicity member, Fundrasing member.
Full role descriptions are available, please ask. Nominations to posts welcome before and at the AGM.
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19/09/2011 - 20.09.2011 meeting cancelled
The meeting of Tusday 20th September has been canecelled. If you have any comments about Sheffield Environment Weeks 2011 please email them to
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16/09/2011 - New free community event toolkit
Considering putting on an event for Sheffield Environment Weeks 2012 but don't know where to start? Zurich Insurance have put together an online guide to help you! The toolkit looks really easy to use and goes through a series of online questions. It gives guidance on health and safety, insurance, planning and legal issues and creates a personalised toolkit pack for you. It is suitable for smaller groups, not for registered charities or organisations already running large events.
Take a gander HERE and see what you think!
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12/09/2011 - Next Meeting, 20/09/2011
The next Sheffield Environment Weeks planning meeting is at 6:45, Sheffield Town Hall. Please come in through the back entrance, all welcome!
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