06/06/2013 - 16th July AGM
Our AGM 7.00 p.m. at Quaker Meeting House, Tuesday 16th July 2013
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15/05/2013 - Cancelled-Env. Day-19th May
Friends of Abbeyfield Park regret to announce that they have been obliged to cancel their Environment Day due Sunday 19th May
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25/04/2013 - Envionment Weeks Launch
Saturday 27th April, 10 - 4pm, Fargate, featuring a range of stalls with information about community and voluntary groups in Sheffield.
Programmes for Environment Weeks will be available.
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16/04/2013 - Environment Weeks
Look out for the Environment Weeks programmes they are now available.
If any group could distribute programmes for us these are available from Parks and Countryside Reception, Meersbrook
Launch 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, Fargate, Saturday 27th April
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