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Nether Edge History Group

About the NENG History Group The first NENG History Group was active in the 1980s, and produced several valuable publications, including They Lived in Sharrow and Nether Edge, and Joan Flett’s studies of Cherry Tree Hill and the Workhouse, all of which were reprinted and are essential reading for anyone interested in our history. In 2013 a group of us got together to build on and extend this work. We produced a set of leaflets for walkers to guide themselves around Historic Nether Edge – now well into its second edition and available from local shops and pubs – and we began a series of conducted historical walks which have proved very popular with Netheredgers as well as people from further afield. You may have seen the historical edition of the Edge which we edited In October 2014 The aim for the future is to deepen our research, produce more publications, and develop an archive of Nether Edge history. This means expanding the membership of the group and making it a forum for all those actively interested in doing research on the history of Nether Edge. So whether your interest is in your house, your family, your street, your neighbourhood, please come along to our regular open research meetings – watch the Edge and these pages for future dates. We would also love to hear from you if you have any documents, photographs or memories which would help to bring our history to life.

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