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Hope Community Allotment

Hope Community Allotment

The HOPE Community Allotment Project offers a supportive outdoor space where people of all ages can take part in the range of activities involved in maintaining the three plots and growing your own organic produce. The community allotment project is open to all and is a great place to learn new skills, make new friends while enjoying the fresh air and getting some exercise. We are a small not for profit organization and welcome people experiencing social barriers including learning disabilities, autism, physical or mental ill-health, isolation, long term unemployment to some along, meet the team, have fun and try something new 9.30am-12.30pm every Monday, Thursday and Saturday Hope Community Allotment Interested in growing your own organic fruit and vegetables then come and join us. We are a short walk from Firth Park Centre. Refreshments provided. Meet: Hope Community Allot., Windmill Lane. Entrance opp. 343 Windmill Lane, S5 6FW


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