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Sewing and Stories with Carmel Page

Date Friday 16th February 2024
Time 10:00 until 12:00
Meet At Scrapdragon Reuse Centre, 204 Verdon St, Sheffield S3 9QS
Organised By Scrapdragon Reuse Centre
Bus Route 83 95 95a
Description Organised By: Scrapdragon and Carmel Page. See Website: DARNS & YARNS for FAMILIES Tickets £10 Eventbrite, each ticket includes £5 worth of scrap materials. Bring your torn trousers, see-through socks and blouses without buttons. You will be taught how to repair them and once you are settled, renowned storyteller Carmel Page will enchant you with stories as you sew. If you prefer, you can practice the skills on fabric which will be provided. You will learn skills which will save you money and also, help to protect our planet as clothing manufacture causes a lot of pollution. Scrapdragon is a reuse centre which sells scrap materials for craft and play activities. The session will end with you having a rare chance to browse the shop while it is closed to the public The session is during half term and so is open to families. Suggested age 10+ but children 8+ who are used to sewing are also welcome. You do not need to bring children to attend the session. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Refreshments provided. Wheelchair/Pushchair Accessible: Yes but there is a shallow step between the workshop area and shop. Assistance can be provided.
Contact Scrapdragon and Carmel Page
Phone No. No information available
Email carmelpage [at]
Type of Event Practical Activity
Primary Focus Recycling
Wheelchair/Pushchair Accessible Yes
Suitable for Families No